Support Services for Refugee Medical Assistance

Offering medical screening and health benefits is just the beginning. USCRI breaks through language and transportation barriers to ensure refugees and other eligible groups have meaningful access to healthcare services.

Many times, interpretation services for medical appointments are offered by healthcare providers, local resettlement agencies, or other community groups. If language services are not available, a client or case manager may request interpretation services through USCRI. To request these services, complete the Telephonic Interpreter Request Form and send it to or submit your request online here.

Transportation services work the same way. If transportation assistance is not available through community resources, a client or case manager may request transportation services for medical appointments through USCRI. When making requests, please specify if a wheelchair accessible vehicle is needed. To request transportation services through USCRI, complete the Transportation Request Form and send it to or submit your request online here.

All language and transportation assistance requests should be submitted at least three days prior to the appointment date. For more information about language and transportation services, please contact Ryan Yao at